32 Klub/Tim Peserta Piala Dunia Antarklub FIFA 2025
Nama resmi:FIFA Club World Cup 25
Tuan rumah:
Edisi ke:21
Tanggal pelaksanaan:14 Juni – 13 Juli 2025
Tim peserta:32 (dari 6 konfederasi)
Total pertandingan:63
Venue:12 (di 11 kota penyelenggara)
Juara bertahan: Manchester City (1st title)

Piala Dunia Antarklub FIFA 2025 menjadi edisi ke-21 dari Piala Dunia Antarklub FIFA, sebuah turnamen antarklub sepak bola internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh FIFA. Turnamen edisi ini diselenggarakan di Amerika Serikat pada 14 Juni hingga 13 Juli 2025 dan menjadi yang pertama dengan format yang diperluas dengan 32 tim peserta. Proposal sebelumnya untuk memperluas turnamen menjadi 24 tim peserta di Cina pada 2021 telah dibatalkan karena pandemi COVID-19.

Manchester City adalah juara bertahan, setelah memenangkan gelar perdana pada turnamen dengan format lama pada 2023.

Tim peserta

Tim-tim berikut telah lolos ke turnamen ini:
NoTimnasKonfederasiMetode KualifikasiTanggal KualifikasiPenampilan ke-
1AFCWinners of the 2021 AFC Champions League14 20234
2AFCWinners of the 2022 AFC Champions League06 20234
3AFCWinners of the 2023–24 AFC Champions League25 20242
4AFCBest-ranked eligible team in the AFC 4-year ranking17 20243
5CAFWinners of the 2020–21, 2022–23, and 2023–24 CAF Champions League14 202310
6CAFWinners of the 2021–22 CAF Champions League14 20233
7CAFBest-ranked eligible team in the CAF 4-year ranking26 20244
8CAFSecond-best ranked eligible team in the CAF 4-year ranking26 20242
9CONCACAFWinners of the 2021 CONCACAF Champions League14 20236
10CONCACAFWinners of the 2022 CONCACAF Champions League14 20232
11CONCACAFWinners of the 2023 CONCACAF Champions League04 20232
12CONCACAFWinners of the 2024 CONCACAF Champions Cup01 20245
13CONMEBOLWinners of the 2021 Copa Libertadores14 20233
14CONMEBOLWinners of the 2022 Copa Libertadores14 20233
15CONMEBOLWinners of the 2023 Copa Libertadores04 20232
16CONMEBOLWinners of the 2024 Copa Libertadores30 20241
17CONMEBOLBest-ranked eligible team in the CONMEBOL 4-year ranking14 20243
18CONMEBOLSecond-best ranked eligible team in the CONMEBOL 4-year ranking22 20242
19OFCBest OFC Champions League winners in the OFC 4-year ranking17 202312
20UEFAWinners of the 2020–21 UEFA Champions League14 20233
21UEFAWinners of the 2021–22 and 2023–24 UEFA Champions League14 20237
22UEFAWinners of the 2022–23 UEFA Champions League10 20232
23UEFABest ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20233
24UEFASecond-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20231
25UEFAFourth-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20232
26UEFAFifth-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20231
27UEFASeventh-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20231
28UEFAThird-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking06 20241
29UEFAEighth-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking12 20241
30UEFASixth-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking16 20241
31UEFANinth-best ranked eligible team in the UEFA 4-year ranking17 20241
32CONCACAFWinners of the 2024 MLS Supporters' Shield19 20241


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